Think with Google


Think with Google is Google’s blog for marketers, which highlights insights and trends from their products. It positions Google as a thought leader in the industry, while promoting their various products and tools.

At Huge, I led the transition to a content strategy for global Think with Google content while still allowing for regional-specific content. To drive that content strategy, I enhanced the underlying taxonomy and content management systems.


Content strategy, taxonomy, documentation, CMS design


Data showed readers were eager for content that was relevant to them, even if it wasn’t written for their specific region. They often jump around between the 21 locales of Think with Google.

  1. How do we signal to readers when content is from a different region?

  2. How do we editorially define “global” content vs. “regional” content?

  3. How do we streamline content sharing for editors in all the regions?


Working with product designers, we designed pills to label content sourced from other regions than the site the reader is viewing. We created a new category for content written with an intentional global audience.

In order to support the content strategy shift, I worked with developers to restructure the CMS to reveal content across regions for website editors to manage and curate.